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Do you have questions, requests, or need assistance? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us right away: our technical office is at your service! We will respond within one working day.

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How to get here

From the Eastern Milan Ring Road
From the LAMBRATE exit, continue straight towards Segrate-Pioltello-Melzo on the Cassanese provincial road. After Pioltello, about 3 km ahead, you will see the “Centro Commerciale Acquario” on the right; 200 meters further, there is a roundabout with pink warehouses on the right: that’s our main office.

From the LINATE exit
Continue straight after the airport for about 6 km until you reach a roundabout indicating VIGNATE to the left, 1 km away. Follow this road to the intersection with the Provinciale Cassanese; just before the roundabout, you will notice pink warehouses on the right: that’s Fitex’s location.

Response Within One Working Day

Contact Us for Further Information

Our technical office is at your service: contact us now!

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